Raising a collective indigenous voice in support of Israel, locally and internationally,
through education and cultural engagement
We call out Swarbrick’s hypocrisy claiming to stand for Indigenous rights while demanding the expulsion of an Indigenous people from its historical homeland. The Jews have more than 3,000 years of continuous connection in their ancestral lands, Judea and Samaria (“the West Bank”).
If you happen to be brown but don’t buy into the ideology, behold, you are actually white. The fact that the majority of Israelis are brown is irrelevant. They are still white, according to the dogma. One’s skin colour grants political advantage, but as it turns out, only for those on the Left who are not Jewish.
On 1 February the Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem was launched at a formal event held at the Friends of Zion Museum in Jerusalem. Gil Haskel, Chief of State Protocol, announced the Indigenous embassy as the 100th embassy in Israel.
South Africa’s accusations are baseless and an example of moral inversion, in which the real victims of a genocidal attack are accused of perpetrating genocide. By supporting Hamas, South Africa itself is in violation of the anti-genocide convention.
Jackson, Ngarewa-Packer and Davidson certainly do not own the Māori view on Palestine - there is no monolithic Māori view on any subject, nor should there be. But they demean Māori by standing on the side of barbarism and depravity and by continuing to mislead their constituency.
We call on Ngarewa-Packer to desist from misusing this painful Middle Eastern conflict for her own political purposes and from bringing shame on our people by aligning with a depraved and genocidal regime.
Hamas’s goal, as stated in its charter, is to annihilate Israel, taking all the land "from the river to the sea," by means of uncompromising jihad. Hamas has pursued this goal unrelentingly, pouring millions of dollars into building a terrorist state, including a 500km sophisticated tunnel network.
To the extent it accurately reflects the wider Māori sentiment – and this point really needs to be hovered over – such an unapologetic abandonment of the Jewish state represents something of a historical swerve. Even before the establishment of New Zealand in 1840, relations between local Māori, who now account for around 17 per cent of the population, and the country’s Jewish community, which has never numbered more than 10,000 souls, have been notably good.
Debbie Ngarewa-Packer’s infantile analysis and accusations reflect a wider determination to force Israel into a fashionable narrative manufactured in elite European universities. So, whose minds are being colonized here? My cousins in Israel must fight a demonic hatred, but its tentacles reach far – fed by complacency, arrogance and fashion.
Petition of Rev Dr Wayne Te Kaawa, urging the NZ government to designate Hamas a terrorist organisation.
Dr Sheree Trotter discusses the complexity of the Gaza situation.
The situation in the region is both tragic and highly complex. It is a region that has a history, since time immemorial, of war and division. It fires passions of an unholy (and, sometimes, holy) nature. But it is the place of ahi kā for the Jews and always will be.
A week after the tragic event of 7 October, a hui was hosted by Māori leaders in the North to show support for Israel and the Jewish people in their time of mourning and trauma.
Māori leaders have issued a joint statement responding to the anti-Israel position expressed by Te Pati Māori.
“Reprehensible.” Dr Sheree Trotter responds to Te Pati Maori.
We call on the Government of New Zealand to immediately:
Condemn outright, without any excuses or justifications, the actions by Hamas
To proscribe Hamas, and all parts of it, as a terrorist organisation
Support Israel’s right to defend itself and its people
As the details of the barbaric acts against Israelis become clear, the leadership of Hamas, the Iranian Regime, and the Hamas paymasters, the Qatari Regime, are guilty of carrying out and supporting a pogrom, and actually celebrating these unspeakable crimes.
Antisemitism globally is displaying an alarming upward trend, a trend that is coincidental with, and likely lubricated and accelerated by, increasing polarization within western style democracies. As is painfully obvious, the latter is a phenomenon from which Israel is not exempt.
David Bernstein speaks about the ideological shift in western societies towards critical race theory or ‘wokeism’, which has accelerated antisemitism on the left.
Dr Charles Small, founder of the Institute for the study of Global Antisemitism and Policy, reveals that many universities are being funded by the Muslim Brotherhood, an extreme Islamist group.
Jonathan Spyer discusses Israel’s law reforms, the way the West views the Israel/Palestinian conflict and comments on Anthony Loewenstein’s recent book.
Indigenous Friends of Israel (IFI) co-founders Norman and Barbara Miller have condemned the decision by the Albanese government to “throw Israel under a bus” by calling its holiest sites including the Temple Mount and Western Wall “occupied territories.”
Loewenstein’s view appears to be that all weapons are evil, even those that are designed to protect civilians. However, he has nothing to say about the weapons used by terrorists, who kill indiscriminately. The glaring hypocrisy and double standards seriously undermine the credibility of his argument.
The proposal to establish a city sister with Ramallah, casts Wellington into the midst of a highly contentious and divisive conflict. The proposal is opposed by a significant portion of the Wellington constituency. In addition, the original motion makes clear that its proponent, Nikau Wi Neera has adopted a false Palestinian narrative that does not align with historical reality.
Dr Sheree Trotter interviewed Yoseph Haddad in Auckland, New Zealand on 28 February 2023.
As we celebrate Israel’s 75th birthday, Dr Sheree Trotter reflects on the connections between Israel and New Zealand and recent developments.
Is Palestinian terrorism against Israel ever justified? Dr Sheree Trotter spoke with Arab Israeli Yospeh Haddad.
Arab Israeli Yoseph Haddad addresses the accusation that Israel has stolen Palestinian land.
The UN has shown a determination to sever all Jewish association with Jerusalem. This constitutes a denial of history, an infraction against self-determination under international law, and a violation of indigenous rights in ancestral lands.
London-based writer Michael Jacobson discusses the similarities between Jews and the Cherokee, as indigenous peoples.
One of the most pernicious, false anti-Zionist claims of modern times is that the Jewish people of Israel are colonisers from Europe, foreign to the land which they have “stolen” from the indigenous Palestinians. This untrue narrative has increasingly taken root and many fervent pro-Palestinian supporters believe it.
One media outlet in New Zealand described Israel’s attempt to defend its citizens from a genocidal radical terrorist regime as colonialism. Nothing could be further from the truth. I wrote the following article for the Tablet to show that in fact, Jews are not foreign colonisers, but rather the indigenous people of Israel.
The Jews, particularly those living in the State of Israel, are an indigenous people who much like the Māori people, simply ask to be given the right to live un-harassed in our ancestral homeland.
To my Māori friends I say “Ahi kaa”, and to my Jewish brothers and sisters “L’shmor al hag’chelet”, keep the fire burning!
Watch this fascinating interview between Eric George and Hon. Alfred Ngaro on what makes a person indigenous and why Jews should be considered indigenous.
Ngā Tapuwae translates to ‘the sacred footsteps’ and so today we remember those kiwi men who stepped into the theatre of war on foreign land and the sacrifice of life that was paid so that the world could be at peace.
The Jewish people have endured existential threats for more than three thousand years. The apartheid smear is merely one manifestation of ancient Jew hatred, applied to the Jewish state.
Kaumatua Patrick Tupoto Manawakaiaia Ruka was truly a gift to all who knew him. The Indigenous Coalition for Israel whanau will miss his guidance, wisdom, knowledge and aroha. But his legacy remains.
Kariana Black reports on the Business and Innovation Hui held on the prestigious Tamatekapua Marae in Rotorua. It was the first time Te Arawa iwi had formally welcomed an ambassador.
The Indigenous Coalition For Israel has added its voice to that of many concerned citizens in objecting to the decision of NZ Super Fund to divest from Israeli Banks.
Professor Dov Bing, prepared this address for the Jerusalem 3000 Celebrations, in the presence of Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu and His Excellency, Mr Nissan Koren-Krupsky, Ambassador of Israel to New Zealand, Kimi Ora, Turangawaewae, New Zealand, Sunday, 4 August 1996.
Shifra Horn discusses the Jewish connection to the land of Israel.
On 23 September, India and Israel commemorate the decisive Battle of Haifa. This Battle was in the final months of World War One in 1918. The Indian Brigade, in the last cavalry charge in history, liberated Haifa from the Ottoman Empire and the other Central Powers.
We are excited to be forming an association with the Australian based, Indigenous Friends of Israel, headed by Norman and Barbara Miller.
I was intrigued to learn from John Rangihau that the Kōhanga Reo concept emerged from a visit he made to Israel in the late 1970’s.
Indigenous Coalition For Israel urges New Zealand to follow the example of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Morocco and pursue a closer bi-lateral relationship with Israel.
A number of Pacific and Māori communities had, over a long period, spoken of a “deep sea canoe vision” from the Pacific to Israel.
The objective was to demonstrate worldwide support for Israel at a time when the United Nations is planning to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the failed Durban World Conference against Racism…
Less than a month out from the infamous Durban conference, former National Party MP, Hon Alfred Ngaro has spoken out on the government’s equivocation over whether NZ will attend the 20th anniversary of a conference that purported to address racism and tolerance, but quickly descended into an antisemitic hate-fest.
To say that Jews returning to their indigenous lands is colonisation, even “a tiny bit”, is to ignore history and the meaning of the term.
None of this context matters to Minto, who for some reason sees the Palestinian cause as his raison d’être. He should realise by now that the Israel/Palestinian conflict is nothing like the South African situation where he won his spurs as an activist.
My visit to Auschwitz was as profound as it was disturbing, a sense made more acute by awareness of the resurgence of antisemitism across much of Europe.
Israel is one of the leading centers of excellence in Agtech and has been for many years. As Finistere was raising our latest fund, we decided we needed to have presence on the ground
NgaPuhi kaumatua, Pat Ruka spearheaded the staging of a special event to welcome back the ambassador after he was recalled, following New Zealand’s infamous co-sponsoring of the anti-Israel UNSC Resolution 2334 in 2016.
History was made on 29 July 2018 when the indigenous people of New Zealand organised a special ceremony to honour and welcome the Israeli ambassador, His Excellency Dr. Itzhak Gerberg.
“We, the Māori people support Israel. And there are many behind me and all over this nation that support Israel.” With these words Tawhiri Littlejohn, Ngati Whatua, opened the ‘Celebrating Israel at 70’ rally at Silo Park Auckland. He then recited the well known karakia, E to Matou Matua (The Lord’s Prayer).
Though Israel now leads the world in start-up companies and innovative technologies it still faces existential challenges. But in spite of all the difficulties Israelis - Jews, Arabs and other ethnic groups - thrive, embrace life and enjoy a vibrant and dynamic society.
The legacy of courage in the face of overwhelming odds, the stamina and endurance of these young men so far from their homes had lived on. The part they had played in establishing place, security and peace for the Jewish people would not be forgotten.
A steady flow of Zionist emissaries made their way to New Zealand, seeking support for the ‘upbuilding of Palestine.’ The New Zealand Jewish community quickly gained a reputation for generosity in support of the cause. Enthusiasm for the Zionist project was not confined to the Jewish community however…
The false narrative that the conflict is about colonialist possession of territory, rather than Islamic-inspired rejectionism has done much to prolong the conflict. Israel has given up land for peace and made offers of peace that have been repeatedly rejected.
As I shared this amazing experience, a comment was made by a non-Jewish friend, that if we would practise bar mitzvah in New Zealand perhaps our youth would not be so troubled, insecure, lonely, lost and suicidal. Maybe it would help them to take ownership and responsibility for the lives in the safety net of loving adults, encouraging them to become mature and responsible young adults.
The return of Jews to their ancient homeland has been an inspiring example for many indigenous peoples. Even though the Jewish people experienced expulsion and dispossession, they never abandoned their hope of return, and a small Jewish remnant kept ahi kā (continuous presence) in the land over many centuries of dispersal. The rebirth of Hebrew has been an inspiration for the revitalisation of Te Reo Māori in Aotearoa.
The Palmer report found that the thousands of rockets launched by militant groups from Gaza were indeed a real threat to Israel’s security. Stopping these violent acts was seen as an ‘obvious’ and ‘a necessary step’ for Israel to take to protect her citizens.
‘New Zealand staunchly supports the existence of the State of Israel; and supports its right to defend that existence in accordance with international law; and we accept that security arrangements will be fundamental to any final agreement.’ Ambassador Jim McLay, Permanent Representative of NZ
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