Letter to Super Fund
A view of Beitar Illit and Tzur Hadassah, as seen from Gush Etzion in Judea and Samaria, on Nov. 25, 2019. Photo by Gershon Elinson/Flash90.
The Indigenous Coalition For Israel has added its voice to that of many concerned citizens in objecting to the decision of NZ Super Fund, (the entity charged with investing NZ tax-payer funds), to divest from Israeli Banks.
The stark hypocrisy of Super Fund’s decision was made evident in a recent report on the Fund’s investments in Chinese companies blacklisted for their role in human rights abuses.The report by British NGO Hong Kong Watch highlighted the “gap between political rhetoric decrying China’s human rights abuses on the one hand, and the Western pension funds still investing in Chinese companies connected to those abuses on the other”.
In addition to the double standard of investing in Chinese companies while turning a blind eye to blatant human rights abuses, and divesting from Israeli banks that legitimately assist Israelis in financing the building of homes, we are concerned that Super Fund is effectively denying the indigenous people of Judea and Samaria their right to build homes on their indigenous lands.
To the Board of Guardians of the Super Fund
7 October 2021
Dear Sir/Madam
We are writing to object to the decision by the Guardians of the New Zealand Super Fund earlier this year to divest from Israeli banks. We urge the Guardians to review their decision.
The Guardians claimed that the provision of finance for the “construction of settlements in the OPT” was a violation of human rights.
A report prepared by the Israel Institute of NZ has demonstrated that this decision shows a gross double standard. In addition, compliance with NZSF requirements would force Israeli companies to break Israeli law.
Further, the Guardians did not give the Israeli banks an opportunity to put their case forward, did not seek expert advice or differing opinions and did not consult with the NZ government. Indeed, the Guardians have made NZ the only democratic country to shun Israeli banks. Finally, the Guardians have misrepresented international law and breached legal requirements.
In addition to these shortcomings, the Indigenous Coalition For Israel is deeply concerned that Super Fund appears to have been influenced by anti-Israel activists who promote a highly contentious and disputed narrative. Under the Oslo Accords, Israelis have the right to build in Area C of the West Bank. Furthermore, according to the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, to which New Zealand is a signatory, indigenous groups have a right to build on their indigenous lands. Jews are recognised as the indigenous people of Judea and Samaria, the areas in question in this controversy.
The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples includes the following articles:
Article 26
Indigenous peoples have the right to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired.
Article 27
States shall establish and implement, in conjunction with indigenous peoples concerned, a fair, independent, impartial, open and transparent process, giving due recognition to indigenous peoples’ laws, traditions, customs and land tenure systems, to recognize and adjudicate the rights of indigenous peoples pertaining to their lands, territories and resources, including those which were traditionally owned or otherwise occupied or used. Indigenous peoples shall have the right to participate in this process.
It is evident that Super Fund’s process was not “fair, independent or impartial” but rather politically and racially motivated. Super Fund is standing against the right of the indigenous people of Judea and Samaria to build on their ancestral homeland.
We urge Superfund to review their decision and show appropriate respect for indigenous rights.
Dr Sheree Trotter
Indigenous Coalition For Israel
Hon Alfred Ngaro
Dr Sheree Trotter