Charles Small: Antisemitism in Higher Education
Narratives that prevail in academia soon filter down to politics, media and society’s culture more broadly. There is evidence that those narratives are sometimes influenced by donors.
The founder of the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy, Dr Charles Asher Small, recently spoke of his findings concerning Muslim Brotherhood funding of many of the world’s finest universities. The implications for antisemitism are significant.
Charles Small reveals the way in which the Muslim Brotherhood has through the use of soft power influenced top universities around the world.
His initial research uncovered over $3 billion in illegal funding going to universities from places like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey. After presenting the research to top US officials, including the Secretary of State, Director of FBI and Homeland Security and the Attorney General, a federal investigation was launched, which found another $18 billion of undocumented money coming into American universities from the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Muslim Brotherhood is a reactionary social movement formed 100 years ago in Egypt. It’s a fusion of radical political islam and Nazism and upholds the forged document, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The Muslim Brotherhood is the root of political Islam, to which groups like ISIS, Hamas and the Iran Revolutionary Guards subscribe.
The Jews, who 70 years ago were hunted down and exterminated in the Holocaust because the Nazis perceived them as poisonous to the white Aryan race, are now being portrayed as the archetypal white intruder, the embodiment of racism, colonialism and apartheid.
The combination of Qatar’s wealth and Muslim Brotherhood’s ideology has shifted the discourse on campuses to a dangerous form of antisemitism and antidemocratic philosophy.