Raising a collective indigenous voice in support of Israel, locally and internationally, through education and cultural engagement
If you happen to be brown but don’t buy into the ideology, behold, you are actually white. The fact that the majority of Israelis are brown is irrelevant. They are still white, according to the dogma. One’s skin colour grants political advantage, but as it turns out, only for those on the Left who are not Jewish.
On 1 February the Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem was launched at a formal event held at the Friends of Zion Museum in Jerusalem. Gil Haskel, Chief of State Protocol, announced the Indigenous embassy as the 100th embassy in Israel.
South Africa’s accusations are baseless and an example of moral inversion, in which the real victims of a genocidal attack are accused of perpetrating genocide. By supporting Hamas, South Africa itself is in violation of the anti-genocide convention.
Jackson, Ngarewa-Packer and Davidson certainly do not own the Māori view on Palestine - there is no monolithic Māori view on any subject, nor should there be. But they demean Māori by standing on the side of barbarism and depravity and by continuing to mislead their constituency.
Hamas’s goal, as stated in its charter, is to annihilate Israel, taking all the land "from the river to the sea," by means of uncompromising jihad. Hamas has pursued this goal unrelentingly, pouring millions of dollars into building a terrorist state, including a 500km sophisticated tunnel network.
Antisemitism globally is displaying an alarming upward trend, a trend that is coincidental with, and likely lubricated and accelerated by, increasing polarization within western style democracies. As is painfully obvious, the latter is a phenomenon from which Israel is not exempt.
Whether it be Mt Zion or Mt Tarawera, the connection between indigenous peoples and their land is one that endures - it remains central to individual and corporate identity.
The UN has shown a determination to sever all Jewish association with Jerusalem. This constitutes a denial of history, an infraction against self-determination under international law, and a violation of indigenous rights in ancestral lands.

Hon Alfred Ngaro
The Indigenous Coalition was founded by former cabinet minister Hon Alfred Ngaro and academic Dr Sheree Trotter. Read more about the Directors and Advisory Council.

Dr Sheree Trotter

WATCH: Powhiri For Israeli Ambassador
A special event organized by members of Ngapuhi Iwi in the north of Aotearoa New Zealand to welcome the new Israeli Ambassador also provided an opportunity to mark Earth Day. The two indigenous peoples exchanged trees native to their lands as a mark of the deepening friendship between Ngapuhi and Israel.

WATCH: Hon Alfred Ngaro on Zionism
Hon Alfred Ngaro presents the case Zionism for the film series I Am A Zionist. Alfred recorded this video on the grounds of Parliament while serving in New Zealand’s fifth National Government.

WATCH: Dr Sheree Trotter at Israel Solidarity Rally
On 29 October 2023, a solidarity rally was held in central Auckland. Dr Sheree Trotter was among those who spoke to the gathering of around 500. She addressed the often heard argument that Jews are foreigners to the land of Israel, mostly colonisers from Europe.
We call out Swarbrick’s hypocrisy claiming to stand for Indigenous rights while demanding the expulsion of an Indigenous people from its historical homeland. The Jews have more than 3,000 years of continuous connection in their ancestral lands, Judea and Samaria (“the West Bank”).
If you happen to be brown but don’t buy into the ideology, behold, you are actually white. The fact that the majority of Israelis are brown is irrelevant. They are still white, according to the dogma. One’s skin colour grants political advantage, but as it turns out, only for those on the Left who are not Jewish.
On 1 February the Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem was launched at a formal event held at the Friends of Zion Museum in Jerusalem. Gil Haskel, Chief of State Protocol, announced the Indigenous embassy as the 100th embassy in Israel.
South Africa’s accusations are baseless and an example of moral inversion, in which the real victims of a genocidal attack are accused of perpetrating genocide. By supporting Hamas, South Africa itself is in violation of the anti-genocide convention.
Jackson, Ngarewa-Packer and Davidson certainly do not own the Māori view on Palestine - there is no monolithic Māori view on any subject, nor should there be. But they demean Māori by standing on the side of barbarism and depravity and by continuing to mislead their constituency.
We call on Ngarewa-Packer to desist from misusing this painful Middle Eastern conflict for her own political purposes and from bringing shame on our people by aligning with a depraved and genocidal regime.
Hamas’s goal, as stated in its charter, is to annihilate Israel, taking all the land "from the river to the sea," by means of uncompromising jihad. Hamas has pursued this goal unrelentingly, pouring millions of dollars into building a terrorist state, including a 500km sophisticated tunnel network.
To the extent it accurately reflects the wider Māori sentiment – and this point really needs to be hovered over – such an unapologetic abandonment of the Jewish state represents something of a historical swerve. Even before the establishment of New Zealand in 1840, relations between local Māori, who now account for around 17 per cent of the population, and the country’s Jewish community, which has never numbered more than 10,000 souls, have been notably good.
Debbie Ngarewa-Packer’s infantile analysis and accusations reflect a wider determination to force Israel into a fashionable narrative manufactured in elite European universities. So, whose minds are being colonized here? My cousins in Israel must fight a demonic hatred, but its tentacles reach far – fed by complacency, arrogance and fashion.
Petition of Rev Dr Wayne Te Kaawa, urging the NZ government to designate Hamas a terrorist organisation.
Dr Sheree Trotter discusses the complexity of the Gaza situation.
The situation in the region is both tragic and highly complex. It is a region that has a history, since time immemorial, of war and division. It fires passions of an unholy (and, sometimes, holy) nature. But it is the place of ahi kā for the Jews and always will be.
A week after the tragic event of 7 October, a hui was hosted by Māori leaders in the North to show support for Israel and the Jewish people in their time of mourning and trauma.
Māori leaders have issued a joint statement responding to the anti-Israel position expressed by Te Pati Māori.
“Reprehensible.” Dr Sheree Trotter responds to Te Pati Maori.
We call on the Government of New Zealand to immediately:
Condemn outright, without any excuses or justifications, the actions by Hamas
To proscribe Hamas, and all parts of it, as a terrorist organisation
Support Israel’s right to defend itself and its people
As the details of the barbaric acts against Israelis become clear, the leadership of Hamas, the Iranian Regime, and the Hamas paymasters, the Qatari Regime, are guilty of carrying out and supporting a pogrom, and actually celebrating these unspeakable crimes.
Antisemitism globally is displaying an alarming upward trend, a trend that is coincidental with, and likely lubricated and accelerated by, increasing polarization within western style democracies. As is painfully obvious, the latter is a phenomenon from which Israel is not exempt.
David Bernstein speaks about the ideological shift in western societies towards critical race theory or ‘wokeism’, which has accelerated antisemitism on the left.