Connecting with Indigenous Peoples of Africa
Patrick Kuwana, CEO, C3 Capital
We are excited to welcome Patrick Kuwana to our advisory council.
Patrick is a Zimbabwean who lives in South Africa with his wife Maude and two sons.
Patrick is the founder of Crossover Transformation Group, an organization focused on offering Value Co-Creation services, a field of expertise focused on accelerating business and economic growth by putting together new Cultural Intelligence based relational and transactional economic structures that are constructed by uniting the uniqueness and diversity of thinking from participating stakeholders.
As an entrepreneur Patrick is also the founder and CEO of C3 Capital – a restorative impact driven venture capital and investment business. C3 Capital uniquely combines financial capital with business growth acceleration blueprints and a business equipping and empowerment process that builds and grows businesses in Africa that carry an unashamedly transformational agenda to be channels that restore inheritance to all people especially those who have been victims of injustice.
Patrick’s passion is in developing and working with leaders and organizations that are committed to unlocking the vast economic potential of Africa while at the same time harnessing the inclusive intellectual and emotional intelligence of the different people groups in Africa so that new sustainable systems of inclusive wealth creation and prosperity can be created and established on the continent for the benefit of all Africans. He has extensive experience in working in culturally and racially diverse environments both locally and internationally and possesses a unique gift in vision casting and drawing diverse people into jointly developing a platform of trust and unity that enables greater levels of success in deal making, project implementation or strategy development and execution.
Patrick believes that establishing full governmental ,diplomatic and economic relationships with Israel is important.
He recognises that his continent of Africa and Israel have held a special relationship since the beginning of time as documented through the Torah and Bible. He hopes to see strong bonds established between Israel and the 54 nations of Africa. Patrick has expressed his dismay at the “despicable spirit and message of hate, racism and anti-Semitism” that was released from Durban in 2001. He affirms his support for the right of the Jewish people to self-determination in their ancestral home as inscribed in international law 101 years ago in 1920, a right realised and honoured in the rebirth of the State of Israel in 1948 and its admission to the family of nations.
We look forward to working with Patrick on projects to cultivate the relationships between indigenous peoples and Israel.